C. Nguyen, I. Dromi, A. Kempinski, G. E. C. Gall, O. Peleg, and Y. Meroz (2024)
Noisy circumnutations facilitate self-organized shade avoidance in sunflowers
Physical Review X, 4, 031027
Y. Koren, A. Perilli, O. Tchaicheeyan, A. Lesman and Y. Meroz (2024)
Plant, Cell & Environment
M. Sunny Nazeer, Y. Tauqeer Ansari, M. Rivière, Y. Meroz, C. Laschi and E. Falotico (2024)
10th International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics (ICCAR), IEEE
A. Porat, A. Tekinalp, Y. Bhosale, M. Gazzola and Y. Meroz (2024)
On the mechanical origins of waving, coiling and skewing in Arabidopsis thaliana roots
PNAS, 121 (11) e2312761121
A. Porat*, M. Rivière* and Y. Meroz (2023)
A quantitative model for spatio-temporal dynamics of root gravitropism
Journal of Experimental Botany, erad383
M. Rivière and Y. Meroz (2023)
Plants sum and subtract stimuli over different timescale
PNAS, 120 (42) e2306655120
L. Segal and Y. Meroz (2023)
Art-science collaborations: generators of new ideas and serendipitous events
Quantitative Plant Biology, special collection "Art and Science and Society", 4, e9
C.-F. Kaiser*, A. Perilli*, G. Grossmann and Y. Meroz (2023)
Studying root-environment interactions in structured microdevices
Journal of Experimental Botany, erad122
F. Meder, B. Baytekin, E. Del Dottore, Y. Meroz, F. Tauber, I. Walker, and B. Mazzolai (2022)
A perspective on plant robotics: from bioinspiration to hybrid systems
Bioinspir. Biomim, 18, 015006
G.E.C. Gall, T.D. Pereira, A. Jordan and Y. Meroz (2022)
Fast estimation of plant growth dynamics using deep neural networks
Plant Methods, 18(1), 1-11
Y. Meroz (2021)
Plant tropisms as a window on plant computational processes
Tansley Insight, New Phytologist, 229(4),1911–1916
Y. Meroz and W. Silk (2020)
By hook or by crook: how and why do compound leaves stay curved during development?
Insight on Rivière et al.’s "Hook shape of growing leaves results from an active regulation"
Journal of Experimental Botany, 71 (20), 6189–6192
A. Porat, F. Tedone, M. Palladino, P. Marcati and Y. Meroz (2020)
A general 3D model for growth dynamics of sensory-growth systems: from plants to robotics
Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 7 (89)
E. Chetrit, Y. Meroz, Z. Klausner and R. Berkovich (2020)
Correlations within polyprotein forced unfolding dwell-times introduce sequential dependency
Journal of Structural Biology, 210 (3), 107495
R. Bastien*, A. Porat* and Y. Meroz (2019)
Bioinspir. Biomim, 14 (5), 055004
Y. Meroz, R. Bastien and L. Mahadevan (2019)
Spatio-temporal integration in plant tropisms
J. R. Soc. Interface, 16
S. Wexler, H. Schayek, K. Rajendar, I. Tal, E. Shani, Y. Meroz, R. Dobrovetsky and R. Weinstain (2018)
Characterizing gibberellin flow in planta using photocaged gibberellins
Chemical Science (advanced publication)
K. Y. Lee, S.-J. Park, K. A. Lee, S.-H. Kim, H. Kim, Y. Meroz, L. Mahadevan, K.-H. Jung, T. K. Ahn,
K. K. Parker and K. Shin (2018)
Nature Biotechnology, 36, 530–535
Y. Meroz and B. Meade (2017)
Intermittent granular dynamics at a seismogenic plate boundary
Phys. Rev. Lett, 119, 138501
Y. Meroz, V. Ovchinnikov and M. Karplus (2017)
Coexisting origins of subdiffusion in internal dynamics of proteins
Phys. Rev. E, 95, 062403
R. Bastien and Y. Meroz (2016)
PLoS Comput Biol 12(12): e1005238
* selected for cover of December 2016 <link>
H.V. Prentice-Mott*, Y. Meroz*, A. Carlson, M.A. Levine, M.W. Davidson, D. Irmia, G. Charras,
L. Mahadevan and J.V. Shah (2015) * equal contribution
Directional memory arises from long-lived cytoskeletal asymmetries in polarized chemotactic cells
PNAS, 113(5), 1267-1272
A. Taloni, Y. Meroz and A. Huerta (2015)
Collisional statistics and dynamics of 2D hard-disk systems: from fluid to solid
Phys. Rev. E, 92 (2), 022131
Y. Meroz (2015)
Beyond experimental noise: analyzing single-molecule data of heterogeneous systems
Comment on “Extracting physics of life at the molecular level: A review of single-molecule data analyses” by W. Colomb and S.K. Sarkar
Physics of Life Reviews, 13, 146-7
Y. Meroz, I.M. Sokolov (2015)
A toolbox for determining subdiffusive mechanisms
Physics Reports, 573(6), 1-29
S.D. Ha, J. Shi, Y. Meroz, L. Mahadevan and S. Ramanthan (2014)
Neuromimetic circuits with synaptic devices based on strongly correlated electron systems
Phys. Rev. Applied 2, 064003
* selected for Editor’s Suggestion and for Physics magazine synopsis <link>
Y. Meroz and R. Bastien (2014)
Stochastic processes in gravitropism
Frontiers in Plant Science, 5, 00674
Y. Meroz, Y. Oreg and Y. Imry (2014)
Memory effects in the electron glass
EPL 105(3), 37010 * chosen for EPL Highlights of 2014
Y. Meroz, I.M. Sokolov and J. Klafter (2013)
Test for determining a subdiffusive model in ergodic systems from single trajectories
Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 090601
D. Campbell and Y. Meroz (2012) - chapter in book
The Fermi-Pasta-Ulam (FPU) problem: a path to complexity
In: Proceedings of the International School of Physics "E. Fermi" Course CLXXVI
Eds. G. Stanley and F. Mallamace (IOS Press, Amsterdam)
Y. Meroz , I.M. Sokolov and J. Klafter (2011)
Unequal twins: probability distributions do not determine everything
Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 260601
Y. Meroz, I.M. Sokolov and J. Klafter (2011)
Distribution of first passage times to specific targets on compactly explored fractal structures
Phys. Rev. E (Rapid Communication) 83, 020104
Y. Meroz, I.M. Sokolov and J. Klafter (2010)
Subdiffusion of Mixed Origins: When Ergodicity and Nonergodicity Coexist
Phys. Rev. E (Rapid Communication) 81, 010101
Y. Meroz, I. Eliazar and J. Klafter (2009)
Facilitated diffusion in a crowded environment: from kinetics to stochastic
Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42 434012
Y. Meroz and D. Horn (2007)
Biological roles of specific peptides in enzymes
Proteins: Struct. and Func. 72(2): 606
V. Kunik, Y. Meroz, Z. Solan, B. Sandbank, U. Weingart, E. Ruppin and D. Horn (2007)
Functional representation of enzymes by specific peptides
PLoS Comput Biol 3(8): e167